
Aerobraze - Its Beginnings

Aerobraze was initially called Stainless Steel Processing Division of Wall Colmonoy. Today, our brazing processes are done under the brand name Aerobraze in Cincinnati, Oklahoma City, and Pontardawe, Wales (UK). Read More


Proud to be Essential While Staying Safe at Alloy Products - Los Lunas

Wall Colmonoy’s Alloy Products Los Lunas location is proud to be essential while staying safe. Los Lunas employs nearly 100 team members in the 50,000-square ft. facility. The plant follows CDC guidelines including social distancing, wearing protective gear, staggering shift times, and cleaning rigorously along sanitary protocols. Read More


Technical Question? Contact Us!

Do you have a technical question? We’re here to help! Our worldwide technical sales teams are available by email, phone, and video. Read More


Working Hard at Aerobraze Oklahoma City

Wall Colmonoy’s Aerobraze Oklahoma City remains committed to supporting essential industries during these unprecedented times. We thank the hardworking employees of Oklahoma City! Read More
Sprayweld Process for Plug Valves & Bodies


Colmonoy® 4 for Plug Valves & Bodies for Oil Well Drilling and Cementing

With CISA deeming food and agriculture a critical industry, did you know that Wall Colmonoy has a long history in both food & glass container industries? Read about how to “get your plow shares ready for spring” and repairs on glass cast iron moulds via a low-heat welding method developed by Wall Colmonoy from our 1956 second issue of Colmonoy® Alloy News. Read More


The Working Hands of Aerobraze Cincinnati

In these unprecedented times, Wall Colmonoy’s Aerobraze Cincinnati continues to support essential businesses. We give a hand to the hardworking hands at Aerobaze Cincinnati! Thank you! Read More


Colmonoy® News – Calling for Your Input

With our new working normal now in full swing, we hope you found some time to catch up on your technical reading. In the first issue of Colmonoy® Alloy News, the Editor called for feedback and suggestions. The message remains the same, and we are bringing back the ask! Read More


COVID-19 Update - Supporting “Essential Business” for Critical Industries

Wall Colmonoy Limited (UK) will remain open as we support “essential business” for critical industries. We recognize that during this time of great stress and uncertainty, our work takes on even greater importance. We are very grateful for your decision to partner with us. Read More


Colmonoy® Alloy News – Food & Glass Container

With CISA deeming food and agriculture a critical industry, did you know that Wall Colmonoy has a long history in both food & glass container industries? Read about how to “get your plow shares ready for spring” and repairs on glass cast iron moulds via a low-heat welding method developed by Wall Colmonoy from our 1956 second issue of Colmonoy® Alloy News. Read More


COVID-19 UPDATE – Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers

By CISA’s definition, all Wall Colmonoy operating locations, including Franklin Bronze Precision Components, are supporting “Essential Critical Infrastructure” across several critical industries including medical, defense, food and agriculture, transportation and logistics and energy. We will remain open under the “essential business” guidance to support you and these critical industries. Read More