Wall Colmonoy's Technical Paper: Further Developments in Boron Free Nicrobraz Ni-Cr-P-Si Brazing Filler Metals

Wall Colmonoy Technical Paper

Wall Colmonoy presents an influential brazing paper at the 2012 International Brazing and Soldering Conference written by our Expert Technical Engineers on:

“Further Developments on Boron Free Ni-Cr-P-Si Brazing Filler Metals”

The paper:

- Examines the influence of solid solution strengthening additions such as molybdenum, tungsten and cobalt within boron-free BFMs

- Assesses the wetting properties, gap filling ability, corrosion resistance and tensile strength at elevated temperatures

- Compares traditional and recently developed BFMs such as Nicrobraz® LM (AWS BNi-2) and Nicrobraz® 33

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Wall Colmonoy Team

E. wcc@wallcolmonoy.com
P. 248-585-6400
W. www.wallcolmonoy.com