Last year, Wall Colmonoy announced the release of Colmonoy® 686, a Ni-Cr-Mo-W superalloy that was developed specifically to combat and resist the extreme temperatures and corrosion experienced in modern waste-to-energy plants due to a high PRE number.
Since the release, Dr Chris Weirman, Director of Technology has been working in a research partnership with Steels and Metals Institute (SaMI) at their SINTEC facility in Swansea, where the performance of Colmonoy® 686 has been tested against other existing materials. The unique facilities of SINTEC (Stimulation and Integrity Testing in Extreme Conditions) enabled Wall Colmonoy the ability to test the resistance of Colmonoy® 686 in a reactive, corrosive environment stimulating hydrogen, carbon monoxide and/or sulphur dioxide containing atmospheres, reaching temperatures of 850°C.
The progression through higher testing intensity, together with the expert analysis and evidence created by SaMI, has allowed Wall Colmonoy to gain a deeper and more detailed understanding of Colmonoy® 686’s superior protection capabilities.
From these findings, Wall Colmonoy are pleased to announce that the application of Colmonoy® 686 will help customers run their waste-to-energy plants without major shutdown for boiler tube replacement for up to 5 years - a significant increase from the usual 2-3 years! Not only will this increase cost effectiveness and productivity for our customers, but due to the high resistance of Colmonoy® 686, waste-to-energy plants will be able to use higher pressure gas turbines, returning more energy from burned waste and reducing carbon emissions.
From Dr Chris Weirman, Technical Director, Wall Colmonoy Limited (UK):
“SaMI’s expertise in the field of high intensity corrosion resistance has enabled the adoption of a range of testing criteria. Only working closely with SaMI and by simulating industry processes on the lab scale would this testing be possible. This has afforded us the benefit of understanding the product’s performance to a more detailed level. We are extremely thankful SaMI’s approach allows an SME like us to have the option to research this data.”
Learn more about Colmonoy® 686 and to check out our featured case study in SWITCH click here
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